Drip Email Templates

On Team Edition, you are able to manage and prepare different email contents which you could use for drip email campaigns to event participants.

To manage your email contents, go to Link2Events → Emails menu.

Action Options

On the left of each email content entry you will see a set of clickable icons to perform actions to the corresponding email.

  • Allows you to edit your email content.
  • Allows you to duplicate an existing email content.
  • Allows you to delete the email content. Any configuration options set to use this email content will be cleared.

Creating/Editing a New Email Content

To create a new email content, press [::::{.fa-solid} New]. Fill in available details, then press [Save & Close] to finish.

To edit existing email content, press [::::{.fa-solid} Edit] icon on the list item.

Template Name
Provide a unique name to easily identify this email template.

Subject line for the email.

Email content.

Placeholder Tags

When composing an email, both the Subject and Body fields allow you to insert placeholder tags, which are replaced with actual data from a quote when the email is sent.

Tag Description
[EVENTNAME] Event name
[DISPLAYNAME] Your display name.
[JOBTITLE] Your position/title.
[SIGNATURE] Your signature text.

Certain juridisctions or company policy may require you to allow users to opt-out from marketing emails. This can be achieved easily by inserting [UNSUBSCRIBELINK] placeholder tag to your email templates.

You could also provide a small footnote on why they are receiving these emails, for example:

You are receiving this email because you signed up to [EVENTNAME]. 
To opt-out from receiving these emails in the future, 
please <a href="[UNSUBSCRIBELINK]">click here to unsubscribe</a>.

When contacts unsubscribe, their email will be excluded from all event drip campaigns (not only the event they opted out). Signing up to an event in the future however, will get them added to the drip campaign for that event.

Deleting an Email Template

To delete an existing email template, press [Edit] on the entry and an edit dialog will appear. Then press [Delete] button on the bottom right corner to delete it.

Please note that when you delete an email content, any email settings which were previously assigned to this will be reset to default.

^^ Last revised: 2023.01.13

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