Activity Dashboard

The Activity Dashboard provides you with records of activities performed on all the quotes, sorted by their most recent activity.

Filtering activities

Using the filter toolbar you could search and filter for specific activity criteria.

Activity Type
Use this option to search for quotes which have any activities of that type performed. For example, you could select "Send" type to find all quotes which have ever been sent to customers.

Besides the activity type selections, you could also choose an operator to negate the selected activity type. For example, you could select a combination of "Not having" and "View" activity type to find all quotes which has never been viewed.

Activity Time
Use this option to search for quotes having any activities performed within specific date range.

Quote Status
Use this option to filter activities by current quote status.

Sales Person
Use this option to filter activities by the sales person assigned to their quotes.

You could do an advance query by combining the above filters. The following table describes some common filter combinations you could use.

Objective Operator Activity Date range Status
Search for unsent quotes Not having Send Any time Any status
Search for viewed but unaccepted quotes in the past 2 months Having View Past 2 months Open
Search for open quotes that haven't been viewed this week Not having View This week Open
Search for quotes with reminder sent in the past 7 days Having Reminder Past 7 days Any status
Search for open quotes with no activity this month Not having Any activity This month Open

Looking Up Filtered Quotes in Quote List

When you apply filters to the Activity Dashboard, you could lookup the quote results in the Quote List View by selecting the [Dropdown] button beside the Apply Filter button and choosing [Lookup in Quote List] menu.

By selecting this menu, all applied filters will be applied to the Quote List View and you will be able to see the same results on the page.

^^ Last revised: 2022.09.14

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