Quote Layouts

It is possible to create different layouts for use with your quotes. A quote layout not only contains customization options for your layout, but also provides options to insert terms and conditions and other notes.

To view all your quote layouts, go to Link2Quotes → Settings → Layouts.

Action Options

On the left of each layout entry you will see a set of clickable icons to perform actions to the corresponding layout.

  • Allows you to edit your layout settings.
  • Allows you to duplicate an existing layout.
  • Allows you to export a layout. (Team Edition only)
  • Allows you to delete the layout. Any existing quotes which use this quote will be reset to the default layout.

Exporting and Importing Layouts (Team Edition)

Link2Quotes allows you to export and import layouts, making it possible for you to reuse layout settings made by other users. Exported layout contains all layout settings as well as logo image.

To export a layout, locate and press the [Export] icon on the left side of the layout name you want to export. Your web browser will prompt to download the exported file.

To import a layout, press the [Import] button and select a valid layout file to upload. If the file format is valid and successfully imported, you will be redirected to the edit screen for the newly imported layout.

^^ Last revised: 2022.09.15

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