Portal Settings

The Settings page contains configuration options for your portal website, grouped into a few sections.


Portal Name
Your website name

Portal Alias
Input a short unique identifier for your portal website. Only alphanumeric characters and dashes are allowed with no white spaces. This alias will be used to make your website URL. For example, if you input "awesome-site" as Portal Alias, your portal website would be accessible from https://portal.linktivity.net/awesome-site.

Logo Image
Image to display on the header bar, as well as on the login screen. An image with landscape orientation is recommended to fit the horizontal header bar.

Hide Linktivity Branding
Remove Linktivity branding from the website footer.

Basic Information

Intro Text
This is an introduction text that is displayed on the portal main menu or home page for logged-in users. You could insert [CONTACT] placeholder tag that will be replaced with the logged-in user name.

Footer Text
Here you could write some text or information such as company address and contact information to be displayed on the footer of the portal website.

User Login

This section is probably the most important section of Link2Portal settings. In this section you could configure password rules and where login passwords are stored in, as well as define a criteria of which contacts are given access to the portal.

Password Settings

Password Field
Please select an Act! field of "Character" type (with minimum length of 64) where encrypted user passwords will be stored into. If you don't have a suitable field, please create a new field or click on the [+] icon on the bottom of the field browser to have Link2Portal create one for you (only available to Act! administrator). We recommend mapping a new or empty field which is not yet used for any other purpose.

Under the Password Field option you could also define password rules to require from your customers, such as:

  • Minimum password length
  • Include alphanumeric characters
  • Include uppercase and lowercase characters
  • Include special characters

Access Filter Criteria

By default any contacts with an email address stored in your Act! database are able to login into your portal. However you could limit access only for certain subset of contacts through two alternative options:

  1. Limit Portal Access to Group
    Select a group and assign it to this field to limit portal access only for contacts who are in the selected group.
  2. Access Filter Query
    Here you could define conditions based on contact fields to limit portal access only for contacts who match the criteria.

To add an expression (condition) for Access Filter Query, click + Expression. When you add another expression, a conjunction is inserted in between expressions. You could click on a conjunction to change it to either "AND" or "OR" logical operator.

In case you have a mixture of "AND" and "OR" conjunctions, we recommend grouping conditions to tell Link2Portal which expressions are to be evaluated first. To insert a group, click + Group button. A group is equivalent to parentheses () in math equations.

Suppose you want to give access only to contacts where their "ID/Status" field (a custom field) value contains "Distributor". The contacts' country must be either in USA or Canada.

The filter query would look like the following:

ID/Status contains "Distributor" AND (Country = "USA" OR Country = "Canada")

To build this in the filter query builder, do the following steps:

  1. Click + Expression, set left hand field to "ID/Status", set operator to "contains", and input right hand value to "Distributor". Click OK.
  2. Click + Group, and set the conjunction to "AND".
  3. Inside the group, click ellipsis icon and then Add Expression. Set left hand field to "Country", set operator to "=", and input right hand value to "USA". Click OK.
  4. Inside the group, click ellipsis icon again and then Add Expression. Set left hand field to "Country", set operator to "=", and input right hand value to "Canada". Click OK.
  5. Change the conjunction in between the two expressions inside the group to "OR".

Login Timestamp

Link2Portal allows you to capture a timestamp whenever a contact logs in to the portal.

Write Login Time to History
Enabling this option will record a history entry associated with the contact with each login.

Write Login Time to Contact Field
Enabling this option will record login timestamp to a contact field. Please select a "DateTime" field where the timestamp is to be written to.

Style Customizations

In this section you could customize the fonts and color schemes for the portal website.

If you wish to reset the customizations and use the default values, simply clear the options.


If you no longer want to publish a portal website, or want to start over with a blank portal website, you could click Delete Portal button. Deleting a portal will delete all the portal settings and pages. However no data in your Act! database will be deleted, including users stored passwords.

Once a portal is deleted, you will be able to create a new portal again should you wish to do so in the future.

Last revised: 2024.07.17

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