Form Webhook

When someone submits a form, it is possible to send an HTTP POST call to a specific URL by utilizing a Webhook. This feature allows a developer to integrate Link2Forms to a custom-build web project and post-process submitted forms.

Unlike a custom redirect URL, this callback is done behind the screen without user interaction, and allows you to send some or all the submitted form data with the callback. The user (form submitter) would still be redirected to the default "thank you" page, or a custom redirect URL if set.

To configure a webhook, edit a form then go to Webhook menu.

Currently only one callback URL is supported.

Callback URL
Input the target URL where the callback is to be made. This target URL must accept HTTP POST method.

Callback Body
The content of the callback. The content should be formatted according to the selected Content Type.

Content Type
Content type for the callback body. Supported types are URL-encoded (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) and JSON (application/json).

Placeholder Tags

Within the Callback URL and Body, you can insert any of the following placeholder tags which will be replaced with the actual submitted data. The values will be encoded and escaped according to the expected format (URL-encoded in the URL and body if the type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded, or JSON in the body if the type is application/json).




Callback Body (URL encoded)




Callback Body (JSON)

  "id": [FORM:ID],
  "email": [CONTACT:EMAIL]

Note: Placeholder tags should not be enclosed in quotes.


  "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "email": "[email protected]"

Available Tags

Tag Description
[FORM:NAME] Form Name
[SUBMISSION:DATE] Date of submission in readable format as configured in the workspace settings
[SUBMISSION:DATE:RAW] Date of submission in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format
[CONTACT:ID] Act Contact ID associated with the submission
[CONTACT:NAME] Contact full name as defined in Act
[CONTACT:EMAIL] Contact email address as defined in Act
[CONTACT:COMPANY] Contact company as defined in Act
[HISTORY:ID] History ID which was created for this form submission
[ANSWER:alias] Answer given for a question identified by alias. Replace "alias" with the actual alias of the question

^^ Last revised: 2024.06.05

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