Managing Users

Through the Users page you are able to view a list of all eligible contacts who can access your portal website. If using filters, only contacts who match the access filter criteria are listed here. Filtering by group in Act! will list all contacts below.

To read more about how to configure access filter criteria, please refer to Portal Settings - User Login section in the manual.

You could type in an email address into the search bar to find a user.

Table Columns

Contact name

Contact email

Has Password
Indicates whether the user has a password created for the portal. As portal login requires a combination of email and password, only those with this column checked have access to the portal.

In Group
If you have Limit Portal Access to Group option set in the portal settings, this column indicates whether the contact is assigned to that group. Only contacts who are assigned to the group have login access to the portal.

Resetting Password

Click Set Password button to create a new password for the user.

In the popup dialog, a random password is pre-populated in the New Password field. You can click Generate button to regenerate another random password, or type in a password directly into the field. Click Save to save the new password.

Passwords are encrypted before they are stored into Act! Contact field, therefore nobody can see the actual password in the Act! program.

A contact can also create or reset their own password by clicking on "First time login or forgot your password?" link on the portal login screen.

Enabling and Disabling Users

The easiest way to enable or disable user access to the portal is by utilizing a contact group. Please go to the Settings page, and under User Login section, assign a contact group to Limit Access to Group option.

Once a group is defined in the settings, you could enable access to a contact simply by adding it to that group in Act!. And, to disable access, simply remove that contact from the group.

For advanced configuration on user login, please refer to Portal Settings - User Login section in the manual.

Last revised: 2024.07.26

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