Act! Field Mapping

In order to use Link2Quotes, certain fields will need to be created and mapped in your Act! database for the Opportunity and Product tables. The required fields are listed on this page.

If you have an existing custom field which matches the purpose and format of any of the following fields (possibly with a different Field Name), you could also map the field by selecting it the Act! Field Mapping dropdown below, so Link2Quotes will reuse that existing custom field rather than creating a new one.

Field Name
Intended display name of the field, including a short description of its purpose.

Field Type
Type of the field.

Field Length
In case of character field type, this column indicates the maximum allowed length of the value.

Example Value
An example of the value which would be stored in this field, to give you a general idea about the field.

Act! Field Mapping
Determine whether to create a new field in Act! database or to reuse an existing one. Only fields which match the required field type and has a defined length of at least the same as one required are listed in the dropdown.

When running Link2Quotes for the first time, Linktivity will try to autodetect the field in case you have an existing field with the same name that matches the type and length. It is also possible to map a field to an existing field on Act! rather than creating a new one by selecting it from the Act! Field Mapping dropdown.

Please click [Submit] or [Save Changes] button to begin the process. The Act! database will be temporarily locked as we create these fields, and you will not be able to cancel the process.

Once the fields are created, please add them to your Layout Design manually in the Act! Software. Click here for more information on how to add fields to Layout Design in Act!.

If you are receiving "Field already exists" message while creating the fields, a field with the same name may be previously created on your Act! database (possibly with a different field type or having its field name changed). In such case you may need to manually create a custom field with a different name for this particular field from Act! Software and map it here afterwards.

Locking/Unlocking Database

In order to create or modify fields in Act!, the Act! database must be locked beforehand. When you click the [Submit] or [Save Changes] button, Link2Quotes will check if new fields need to be created in Act!. If needed, it will issue a database lock and any users currently logged in to Act! software will be logged out.

On this settings page, you could also check locking status of the database, and click [Lock/Unlock Database] button on the bottom toolbar to manually lock or unlock your Act! database. You will need to have administrator or manager Act! user role to do so.

Database locking status as indicated by the padlock icon:

  • Database is locked
  • Database is pending locking
  • Database is unlocked

Note: Lock status icon is only available when you are connected to Act! via Act! Web API.

Why am I asked to map the fields again? And I am seeing "Unknown Field" in the mapping.

There are several possible reasons why you are seeing "Unknown Field" in the mapping:

  • The previously mapped field was deleted in Act! database
  • You switched API connection type from Act! Web API to K-API or vice versa

In this case, simply re-select the correct field name for each unknown field mapping and Save/Submit.

^^ Last revised: 2022.09.20

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