Editing a Layout

From the Layouts page you are able to modify any existing layout by clicking the [Edit] icon button besides the layout name. You will be then directed to the Layout Editor.

On the Layout Editor you are able to modify some aspects of the quote layout to generate quote documents.

General Tab

This tab contains general settings for your quote layout.

Layout Name
Name to easily identify this layout.

Language Code
Two letter language code, for example, "en" for English or "fr" for French. When specified and supported, this language code can be used to display online quotes and for looking up products in specific language when creating a quote from the product database.

Indicates what this document is about. Since this title is printed in large font, we recommend a short and concise title such as "Quotation", "Estimation", "Proposal", etc.

Header Logo
Logo image to use on the header part of the quote. A landscape oriented image is recommended with a size that fits into a 3.25x1.33 inches box (equivalent to 312x128 pixels when rendered on screen).

Contact Information
Vendor name and contact information.

Text block to insert on the bottom of quotation. This can be filled with payment terms, conditions, etc.

Acceptance Text
When viewing online, this text is displayed on the acceptance form above the submission button.

Terms & Conditions
A full page terms and conditions text that will be printed on the last page of quotation PDF, or in case of online viewing, rendered as a popup.

Calendar Link
You could enable this option to insert a call to action banner in your quote that links to your Link2Calendar page. This is useful when customers are likely to have a need for scheduling a time for further discussion regarding your quotations.

Calendar CTA Text
If the above link is enabled, you could customize the call to action banner text here.

Form Link
You could enable this option to insert a call to action banner in your quote that links to your Link2Forms. This is useful for inquiring feedback from your customers.

Form CTA Text
If the above link is enabled, you could customize the call to action banner text here.

Template Tab

You could choose a design to use as your base template from a selection of built-in templates, or upload your own custom template. A template is made with a combination of HTML, CSS, and Handlebars programming techniques and has a .hbs file format.

Here you could download the default template file as a reference when writing your own custom template.

As Link2Quotes evolves over time, you may need to keep your custom template up to date to maintain compatibility. Whenever the default template is updated, you will see a timestamp besides it, and if this template is more recent than your custom template, it will show an "outdated" label indicating that you should update your custom template.

To learn more about template programming and structure, please read Custom Template.

Customize Style Tab

This tab allows you to further customize the style for your layout. Customization options vary depending on which base template is selected under the Template tab.

Provides a selections of presets for the customization options. Changing this option will replace any customization options you previously have in this tab. The "Current" option reflects the last values which were previously saved.

Language Overrides Tab

From this tab you could override texts and labels used to generate the quote document. Input the text you want to replace with on the right hand side or leave it empty to use the original text.

Previewing Layout

To preview how the quote layout would look like when used in a quote document, click the [Preview] link on the right hand of the tab menu. You will also be able to preview the layout having open, expired or accepted quote status.

^^ Last revised: 2023.06.14

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