
In Overview, a dropdown in the top left corner allows you to select which summary you would like to see - all projects, or individual projects.

All Projects Overview

When you select All Projects, you will be able to see a few elements, such as Overall Status, Calendar, and Approaching Tasks across all projects. Approaching Tasks across projects lets you make sure you are not forgetting an urgent deadline without having to open each project individually. Approaching Tasks table can be filtered by project or by people tasks have been assigned to.

Individual Project Overviews

Individual project overviews offer a further dropdown in the top right corner. This switches between 17 different overview layouts such as Basic Project Management or Agile Project Management. You will be able to decide which layouts are the most useful for your project.

Project Tasks Status

This is a pie diagram showing the progress of the project by color-coding completed, progressing, not-started and behind tasks.

Project Tasks Completion by Priority

Ongoing Tasks per Week

'Ongoing Tasks per Week' is a count of the number of incomplete tasks each day that is visible in the chart for 14 upcoming days

Overview Calendar

Small monthly calendars to give you an

Team Activity

This displays when the participants last used the system

Ongoing Tasks

Workload per Person

This chart is the most useful in the Team Edition, as it indicates the number of Open, Late, and Upcoming tasks assigned to each participant.

'Edit' Project Button

Clicking 'Edit' project button in the top toolbar allows you to set several project preferences.

  • Style lets you choose between different display settings
  • Status allows you to retire projects you are finished with. These projects will still appear on the list under My Projects but they will be marked as Retired.
  • Task Hours Estimating adds an additional Est. Hours column into the Task list. You will be able to click the numerical value of the smallest subtask and edit the estimated time needed. Parent Tasks and Phases are not edited and obtain their values by summing up values in Child Subtasks.
  • New Comment Notifications
  • Task Completed Notifications

Last revised : 09.10.2024

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