Task List

Project Structure

The main part of your project is divided into Phases and Tasks. Phases are larger segments or stages of each project of each project. We do not enter date or quantitative values such as estimated hours or costs into the phase directly, as these values are sums of the values in underlying tasks. Phases can have many tasks and each of them can have subtasks.

Top Horizontal Menu

The horizontal menu at the top offers tools for high level or project-wide actions.

  • Create Phase
  • Export to Excel
  • Export to PDF
  • Import Phase from Other Project - allows you to quickly reuse segments of structure from other projects. This method is recommended if you don't need to use the entire project but would simply like to replicate one of the stages (phases) of an earlier project, such as planning stage or implementation stage. If you expect to reuse an entire project, the easiest method in the same workspace is to save the project as template and then use Create Project button in My Templates in the main menu. If you are working in a different Workspace, you can export your project to PKS, which will create a .prx file used by Project KickStart, Webplanner, and Link2Projects. You can then use Import from PKS in the main menu to import the project into desired workspace.
  • Pull from Act!
  • Push to Act! - this is an export of all tasks in the project
  • Configure Opportunity - turns your project into an Act! Opportunity. You can decide on the what is recorded in the Opportunity notes and histories
  • Share - In Team Edition this will allow you to share your project with other participants. You will need to enter their name and email address and decide whether you wish for to allow other participants task clearing, comments, task rescheduling, and editing task status and progress. The participants will receive an email with share link which will allow them to work with the project according to the rules set. If you no longer wish for the participant to be able to work with the project, you can disable the share link in the participants tab.
  • Refresh
  • Select
  • Completed Tasks allows you to toggle between the view of task not yet completed, and all tasks.
  • Filter allows you to view tasks by priority, status, assignee, and dates
  • Collapse All
  • Expand All
  • Select Columns lets you decide which columns are best for your Task List.

Task Tools

Task Tools appear in the task row, either as hyperlinks near task title, or on the right side of the row as an icon. These are granular tools to handle tasks, or create nested subtasks.

  • Upload Attachment permits you to upload standard document and image files while disallowing executable files.
  • Write a comment will allow you to enter notes, which can also be accessed in the Comments section. In team edition, if you are the project planner, and had set the project preferences to receive comment notifications, you will receive a notification email when a new comment is entered. his information will
  • Create Task is a tool to create tasks, and subtasks.
  • Import Task
  • Assignments - in Team Edition Assignments allows you to designate the responsible team member.
  • Clone
  • Delete

Quick Edits

Assignments, Cost , % Done, Priority, Status, & Hours Estimated (if the field is selected/included in the project) can be edited directly from the Task List without opening the full Phase and Task Editor by clicking the relevant value.

Last revised : 18.09.2024

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