Setup Guide

Welcome to Link2Portal! This setup guide will guide you through the minimal steps necessary in order to create your customer web portal site. You can also access this setup guide anytime from Link2Portal Help menu.

Preliminary Setup: Act! Web API Settings

Before we start, please make sure that you have already configured Act! Web API connection settings. It can be found under Act! Web API Settings main menu.

1. Create a Portal Site

When you access Link2Portal from the main menu for the first time, you will be asked to create a portal website. To do so, please input the following:

Portal Name
Input a name for your portal website.

Portal Alias
Input a short unique identifier for your portal website. Only alphanumeric characters and dashes are allowed with no white spaces. This alias will be used to make your website URL. For example, if you input "awesome-site" as Portal Alias, your portal website would be accessible from

2. Configure User Password and Access Settings

Once a portal site is created, you will be redirected to its Settings page. Under "User Login" section you could configure who among your Act! contacts are allowed to access your portal site.

Please select an Act! field of "Character" type (with minimum length of 64) where encrypted user passwords will be stored into. If you don't have a suitable field, please create a new field or click on the "click here to create a new field" link to have Link2Portal create one for you. We recommend mapping a new or empty field which is not yet used for any other purpose.

Under the Password Field option you could also define password rules to require from your customers, such as:

  • Minimum password length
  • Include alphanumeric characters
  • Include uppercase and lowercase characters
  • Include special characters

By default any contacts with an email address stored in your Act! database are able to login into your portal. However you could limit access only for certain subset of contacts through two alternative options:

  1. Limit Access to Contact Group
    Select a group and assign it to this field to limit portal access only for contacts who are in the selected group.
  2. Access Filter Query
    Here you could define conditions based on contact fields to limit portal access only for contacts who match the criteria.

When you are done, please click Save Changes to save your settings.

3. Create Pages

Next, please go to Pages menu to create some pages for your portal site. When a new portal is created, we add two pages for you to get started. Please feel free to edit or delete them, or create one yourself.

4. Login to The Portal

Still under the Pages menu, you could find your portal website link. Click the [Preview] button to open your portal site in a new tab.

All portal pages are restricted behind a login screen. When logging in for the first time, click "First time login or forgot your password?" link and type in your email address and then click [Continue]. The email address is used to lookup for a contact in Act! by matching it against Contact "Email" field.

If a contact is found, a password reset link will be sent to the email. Click on the link to open a password creation page. Once a new password is created, you will be able to login with that password.

Please consult the Help menu anytime to bring up contextual help article for the page you are on. We hope you enjoy using Link2Portal.

Last revised: 2024.07.16

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