Deleting Workspace

To delete a workspace, you must be an administrator of the workspace.

Deleting a Workspace

Firstly, make sure you have switched to the workspace you want to delete. Workspace selector dropdown is found in the top right corner. Afterwards go to Main Menu bento box icon in the top left corner, then Settings → Workspace Settings .

Scroll down to Account Maintenance section and click [Delete Workspace] button.

You will then be presented with a confirmation page displaying the name of the workspace to be deleted and a warning message. As this action will permanently delete your workspace and all its data, please read the page carefully.

In case you still have valid subscriptions which you purchased under this workspace, you are also able to select which other Workspace you would like to transfer the subscriptions to.

Once you have confirmed that all the details are correct, please proceed by clicking [Confirm Deletion].

An OTP code will be sent to your registered email in order to confirm that you are the actual person who are deleting the workspace. Please check your email inbox and input 6-digit OTP code into the available field, then click Submit.

Once confirmed, your workspace will be deleted and you and any workspace members will no longer be able to access the workspace.

As a precaution measure, we will also send out an email alert to all workspace administrators when someone deletes a workspace, including an instruction on how to restore an accidentally deleted workspace.

Restoring a Workspace

When a workspace is deleted, there is a 30-day grace period before the data is actually deleted permanently from Linktivity server. Therefore if you deleted a workspace by mistake, you could still attempt to restore it by following the steps below.

Please note that this procedure will only restore your workspace data but not its subscriptions. You will need to reassign or repurchase subscriptions in order to access any Linktivity product within this workspace.

  1. Click Workspace Dropdown, and then Manage Workspaces.
  2. Find the deleted workspace that you would like to restore under Pending Deletion section, then click [Restore] button besides it. Click OK when prompted to confirm restoration.

If you could not find the workspace, it means the workspace has passed its grace period and has been permanently deleted.

What Happens to Subscriptions When a Workspace is Deleted?

  • Ownership for active subscriptions is transferred to the recipient workspace you selected during the deletion process. If the subscriptions are assigned to another workspace, this will not alter the assignment.
  • Expired subscriptions owned and assigned to this workspace are deleted.
  • Subscriptions assigned to this workspace are unassigned and returned to the owner's inventory.

See the table below that summarizes the above points.

Status Managed by (before) Assigned to (before) Managed by (after) Assigned to (after)
Active This workspace This workspace Recipient workspace (Unassigned)
Active This workspace Another workspace Recipient workspace Another workspace
Active Another workspace This workspace Another workspace (Unassigned)
Expired This workspace This workspace (Deleted) (Deleted)
Expired This workspace Another workspace Another workspace Another workspace
Expired Another workspace This workspace Another workspace (Unassigned)

While deleted workspace data may be restored during grace period, subscriptions affected by workspace deletion cannot be reverted. Thus you would have to manually re-assign or purchase new subscriptions again.

^^ Last revised: 2024.09.27

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