Workspace Settings

Through the Workspace Settings page you are able to configure general settings such as Act! connection, mailer settings, and so on.

Workspace settings are accessed by clicking Main Menu bento box icon in the top left corner, and selecting Settings, and then Workspace Settings tab.

General Information

Workspace Name Workspace name may also appear in certain customer-facing pages.

Workspace Alias Please note that the workspace alias is used as part of URLs within Linktivity and changing it may cause unintended side effects such as broken links when accessing old URLs.

Organization Organization name

Avatar Image Avatar or logo image to use on customer facing pages. A landscape oriented image file is recommended for best fit.

Display Preferences

Display Preferences Time Zone, Date Format, Time Format, Default Language, and the use of a footer.

Act! Integration and Branding

This section has configurable options for your Act! Web API and other integration options between Linktivity to your Act! database.

Web API Type
Connection method to use for communicating with Act! Web API.

Base API URL of the Act! Web API.

Act! Database
Act! Database name to connect the account to.

Act! Group Creation Create Workspace Subgroup in Act!

Please not that individual workspace members' Act! credentials need to be entered into each person's My Profile section.

Outgoing Emails

In this section you are able to choose whether to use the default Linktivity mailer for outgoing emails or to override it with your own SMTP server.

Mailer Option
You could choose either to use Linktivity mailer or your own SMTP server for sending out emails to your customer. Using your own SMTP server allows you to define the email sender which could increase customer confidence and more personalized branding.

As the SMTP server may be used to send out communication emails from organization members within Linktivity, we recommend setting a general-purpose email address such as "[email protected]"

SMTP Hostname & Port
When using custom SMTP server, input the SMTP hostname and port here. Common port numbers are 25, 465, or 587. Please consult your mail server administrator for the exact number.

SMTP Email
The email address to use as sender. This email address will appear on the "From" field regardless which user of the account is sending an email.

SMTP Username
Username to login to your SMTP server.

SMTP Password
Password to login to your SMTP server.

SMTP Security
Security protocol to use when connecting to your SMTP server.

Payment Gateway

Certain Linktivity products allows you to accept payment online through supported payment gateways. Currently PayPal payment gateway is supported and we may add support for more payment gateways in the future.

PayPal Email
Fill in this field with your email registered in your PayPal account to enable PayPal payment gateway. Any online payments processed via PayPal will be sent directly to this account.

PayPal Sandbox Mode
Check this box to use sandbox mode for testing. You will need to specify a sandbox account email in order to use this feature.

Account Maintenance

This section contains maintenance tools regarding your organization's account.

Delete Workspace
Use this tool to completely delete your organization account and its data. Please note that this action is permanent and you will not be able to recover organization account data once it is deleted.

For more information, please see Deleting Workspace help page.

Protecting People's Privacy

  • Purge Personal Information button (only accessible by an Admin), allows you to select which Linktivity program data they want to erase. You can choose all or specific programs.
  • Setup Auto-Purge allows you to schedule the deletion of all customer data after a certain number of days. Like the manual purge, subscribers can choose the data from all or some programs to delete, and it will be done automatically at the frequency they set. Manual purging will still be available even with a schedule in place, so the subscriber is always in charge.

To be clear, statistical data such as the responses people give in surveys or web forms will remain untouched, as well as the sales data from Link2quotes. Only the consumer details related to the GDPR will be removed.

The data that will be removed or redacted:

  • Contact details submitted by visitors including name, email, phone number, IP address, etc are redacted (Link2quotes, Link2calendar, Link2forms, Link2events, and Link2surveys).
  • Participant and representative names in appointment bookings (Link2calendar).
  • Aggregate data and non-personally identifiable data will not be deleted from submissions (Link2quotes, Link2forms, Link2events, and Link2surveys) Contacts whose submissions are being purged will be opted out of subsequent drip campaigns (Link2forms, Link2events, and Link2surveys).
  • Names and emails in activity log (Link2quotes)
  • Purged personal information in quote data may be restored when quotes are synchronized from Act! (Link2quotes).

All these actions are permanent and irreversible once performed.

Please note that Linktivity does not purport to offer legal services, and subscribers are encouraged to independently verify their GDPR or related compliance obligations.

Server Security

As for our servers, subscribers can also rest assured that all Linktivity data is stored on secure Microsoft Azure servers in Canada, which use server-side encryption (SSE) to safeguard your data and help you fulfill your organizational security and compliance requirements. Data in Azure-managed disks is encrypted transparently using 256-bit AES encryption, one of the most powerful block ciphers available, and is FIPS 140-2 compliant. The best part is Azure Storage encryption doesn't impact the performance of the Linktivity services.

^^ Last revised: 2024.09.27

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